Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Just don't missed the introduction part.

No no. Don't expect too much. This is just a random entry. With no points. I just wanted to talk. Just, talk. If you find it unnecessary for you to continue reading, you may proceed to the upper right hand side of your screen, and close this tab. Ok? Good.

Lol apa jenis introduction la kan. Macam ugutan yang berbaur poyo-ness pun ada. Gelabah lebih. But hey, I did warned you kan, this is just a random entry. Random babbling about random things. Highlight it there, BABBLING. Like, bla bla bla. =_=

I'm totally pissed off tonight. I don't know why so many things annoyed me. Oh, and I hate my timetable for this sem. Don't know if I can make it through! Wuargh! (tak mengeluh, geram je) Dah tu lagi 1 masalah, untuk kelas Japanese tak settle2 lagi. Ada je masalah nya. Oiii hati dah memberontak ni nak balik rumah! My boredom has reached the climax! Nak balik nak balik nak balikkk >.<
Craving for McD. And I miss my bed so badly! My nice and cozy bed. And my dearest babes. Geng2 BPU yang dah laaaama gila tak jumpa! Hari tu tak sempat pun jumpe wuwuwwu

Memang random gila entry ni sampai dalam 1 perenggan ada macam2 perkara random dibahaskan. I've totally lost control of my mind. This is insane!


Wishlist #5

I would love to live in my OWN big beautiful house, with a big beautiful garden. And not to forget, big swimming pool~! Maybe someday.

p/s: I did warned you in the intro right. This entry is just random. And don't forget to count how many 'random' word used in this entry. HA-HA

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