Monday, December 15, 2014


I've been alone with you
Inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips
A thousand times

I sometimes see you
Pass outside my door

Is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted
And my arms are open wide

Because you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much
I love you

I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again
How much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow

I've just got to let you know
Because I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely?
Or is someone loving you?

Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying I love you

- Hello, by Lionel Richie

hashtagbuatbakalsuami, hashtagsuamikuawakkatmanaawakkatmana, hashtagdeep, hashtagjiwang, hashtagdiamsekarang
(hashtag : #)

Monday, December 8, 2014

Mata penat (Tired eyes)

Salam everyone! Yes it's me again, duhh who else? Okay, lately I noticed that I have all the symptoms of tired eyes. The symptoms include tired, itching and burning eyes. Mata macam susah je nak buka, 24 hours rasa camtu! Well, I guess that's because lately I've been losing sleep due to minor insomnia I can say.. Hahah I don't know why my body just won't shut selagi belum pukul 12 or 1 pagi. Pffttt. That's annoying coz I have to wake up early the next morning and I'm the type of person that value sleep very much so bila tak cukup tidur ni mula la sistem2 badan pun buat hal. Hahah aku memang berkira sikit waktu tidur ni. Buttttttt, I'm no longer a student. Masa study dulu boleh la ponteng kelas bangun lambat bila rasa tak puas tidur. Dah kerja ni takkan nak ponteng kerja?! (<--emosi)

Lately, this tired eyes problem really annoys me. Sebab sometimes siang2 pun mata rasa berat je pastu bila tengok cermin, nampak tak segar. (Walaupun dah tempek krim and bedak pun tak boleh cover jugak) Well, I'm sure ramai lagi dekat luar sana yang ada masalah camni, so meh sini aku dah tolong carikan tips macam mana orang berkerjaya macam kita2 ni (puiii) nak atasi masalah mata tak cukup tidur ni. Haha kalau kau kaya banyak duit pergi jela buat facial laser treatment ke apa, tapi kalau nak jimat and mudah (hanya buat dirumah), boleh la try tips di bawah. Some of the tips mungkin korang dah familiar, even aku pun dah biasa buat jugak macam letak timun or tea bags kat mata tu. Tapi, ahh lantak la baca jela. Bising pulak.

*make sure to use organic products. Jangan guna timun beracun pula!
1. Cucumber therapy (ni paling senang paling murah dan paling best)
We’ve all seen the images of ladies in spas, relaxing with mud packs and slices of cucumber on their eyes. Although the modern spa might have something a bit more technical going on these days, there is a good reason why the laying on of sliced cucumbers are often associated with eye therapy – it works!
The high water content and the icy cold temperature of a nice thick slice of cucumber is very effective at reducing swelling around the eyes. Make sure your cucumber is well chilled before slicing it up, and put your feet up somewhere for about 10 minutes, or until the cucumber slices have got warm.
2. Tea treatments (aku prefer green tea. Air dia kita minum sambil tu boleh kurus!)
Tea, of all types, is well known as a top relaxant in today’s hectic lifestyles. The antioxidants in tea are great for soothing the eyes and reducing redness and swelling. Simply place used teabags in the freezer to chill for a while,then pop them onto your eyelids for around ten minutes (though check your appearance after, as they can stain the skin).
If you love a cup of herbal from time to time, then these teas are also known to be great for soothing and treating tired eyes. Green tea is super high in antioxidants, and the natural antiseptics in chamomile tea are excellent for soothing eye infections or itchy peepers.
3. Water wonders (ni aku paling malas hahaha)
Staying hydrated is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get your eyes looking brighter and healthier. When the body is dehydrated, it retains excessive amounts of water in cells, causing bloating, puffiness and swelling. Aim to drink around eight glasses of water every day to help your eyes stay clear, bright and free from puffiness.
4. Strawberry soothers (mahal, tapi kalau kau kaya takpela)
Strawberries contain an ingredient called alpha hydroxyl, which is one of the ingredients found in lots of expensive facial creams and moisturisers, so instead of shelling out for expensive synthetic versions, grab some fresh strawberries and get the benefits for a fraction of the price.
This clever ingredient is great at making skin appear smoother and younger looking, and the high water content and chilled nature of fresh-from-the-fridge strawberries will have your eyes looking gorgeous in minutes. Slice them to about half a centimetre thick and place them on your eyes until they feel warm.
5. Marvellous milk (makan dengan honey stars lagi sedap!)
Cold milk comes highly recommended for clearing up dark circles and reducing swelling of the eyes. Simply place some cotton wool balls in a bowl of ice-cold milk (raw and organic preffered), then lay back and plop them onto your eyelids. Don’t forget to have a good wash after though, or you could smell worse than you look!

Kesemua tips ini saya dapati di sini. Sila la klik link tu kalau tak caye. Kecoh pulak. (gurau) Okay lah. Dah puas dah membebel untuk harini. Akhirnya setelah sekian lama, aku post jugak something yang berfaedah sikit dekat belog ni. Kalau tak asyik merepek je hahaha. Dan maafkan penulisan bahasa rojak saya. Sekejap english sekejap melayu. I'm cool like that. Lantakkk


Friday, December 5, 2014

Just wanted to say Hi!

Salam everyone! How's everyone doing? I'm not sure whether this blog still has readers, but I surely know that few are still stalking me blog (referring to the 'lalu lintas' report on the right HAHA). It's okay though. I don't mind at all. It's good to know that people are still reading my 'writing'. *proud queen*

Well I made a lil bit changes in here as you may see (if you are my loyal reader from the beginning). No more lilypie birthday sticker above, but i put my instagram thumbnails. Entah, I think it looks good and make my blog looks more interesting. Haha. (actually I saw it at vivy's proudduck where she puts her instag thumbnails and i feel like having it too on my blog LOL)

Well, so, I just came back from Bali after 6 days having my pleasure time there (not really a pleasure as it was raining all the way sigh..) But it was okay, I had so much fun and.... took a lot of pictures too haha. If you are following my instagram, you can see my updates every 2-3 hours everyday hahaha. Pity my followers but hey it's my life by the wayy! It was my second time in Bali since 2011. Back then, there was no instagram so I didn't have the chance to upload anything. So this time, kasi chance la beb! :p

So.. I ran out of ideas already. I guess that's all for today? Hahah. Oh by the way, I hope it's still not too late to say HELLOOOO to my fav month, December. Ahh feels good to be back to 'my' month. Hihi. A lot of things has changed. Rasa macam baru je lagi celebrate my 21st birthday on last year's December, now I'm reaching 22! My oh myyyy. How time flies! Ok lah, I think that's all for today's entry. I hope to update more often. (I hope.) Until next time! Adios!

"I'd go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I'd go back to December all the time."
(my fav line from Taylor Swift, Back to December)