Thursday, September 27, 2012

Resepi : Pavlova

Untuk pengetahuan semua, aku ambil masa yang sangaaaattt lama untuk start projek baking pavlova ni. Buat research sana sini. Ceh macam student PhD pun ada. Lol. Yelah, buat pavlova ni memang la nampak senang, tapi banyak pantang larang kena jaga ohh. Sangat memerlukan kesabaran dan ketekunan. Tapi bahan2 dia memang simple habis. Paling-paling pun korang kena keluarkan duit lebih sikit untuk beli whipping cream dia and buah2 untuk letak atas tu.

Aku refer banyak gile blog untuk mendapatkan pavlova yang terbaik. Bila baca orang komen, kadang cuak jugak. Ada yang tak jadi, telur tak kembang, pavlova mendap, hancur bla3. Sebab tu kena research lebih sikit. Dan akhirnya aku pun tekad untuk refer resepi daripada Salam Dua Benua dan Cahaya Cintaku . Ada beberapa lagi blog yang aku refer, tapi tak ingat dah mana. Huhu minta halal ye semua. Okay enough  membebel. Jom check resepiii! (copy paste je)

- 4 large eggs, separated (ambil putih telur je)
-3/4 cup caster sugar (gula halus)
-1/2 tbsp cornflour
-1 teaspoon (sudu kecil) white vinegar (cuka yang biasa tu)

-1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

- 1 cup (240 ml) non dairy whipping cream
- 1 tablespoons caster sugar (adjust ikut sedap rasa)
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Fresh fruits - kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, passion fruit, peaches, pineapple, or other fruit of your choice

Itu je bahan-bahan dia. Nak buat pavlova ni ada pantang larang, antaranya :

1) Telur mestilah in room temperature. Takmau yang sejuk from peti ais tu. 
2) Pastikan masa korang asingkan telur putih and kuning tu, segala peralatan mangkuk ke spatula or anything, kering tanpa setitik pun air. Kalau ada setitik pun air, nanti masa pukul telur, telur taknak kembang. Sama jugak masa nak pukul whipping cream.
3) Masa asingkan telur, pastikan takde kuning telur yang masuk dalam putih telur tadi. Kalau tak, tak menjadilah pavlova anda ye. Hehe
4) Pastikan whipping cream yang digunakan adalah jenis non dairy. Aku guna jenama Rich's. Dan pastikan cream tu betul-betul sejuk sebelum nak pukul. Kalau boleh mixing bowl pun sejukkan sekejap dalam freezer.

Okay itu antara tips-tips yang WAJIB dipatuhi kalau korang taknak korang punya pavlova hancuss. Baiklah, mari move on kepada cara-cara memasaknya.

- Preheat oven to 150 degrees C for 15 minutes. (guna api bawah)
- Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and draw a 7 inch (18 cm) circle on the paper. Turn the parchment paper over so the circle is on the reverse side.
(Don't forget to place rack in center of oven)
- In the bowl of your electric mixer, with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites on medium speed until they hold soft peaks. (dah kembang tapi still soft and berbuih2 macam tu)
- Start adding the sugar, a tablespoon at a time, and continue to beat, on high speed, until the meringue holds very stiff and shiny peaks.(test guna jari nak tengok gula dah fully dissolved or not) The meringue should feel smooth, not gritty. If it feels gritty the sugar has not fully dissolved so keep beating until it feels smooth between your fingers). Beat in the vanilla extract.
- Sprinkle the vinegar and cornstarch over the top of the meringue and, with a rubber spatula, gently fold in. Spread the meringue inside the circle drawn on the parchment paper, smoothing the edges, making sure the edges of the meringue are slightly higher than the center. (You want a slight well in the center of the meringue to place the whipped cream and fruit.)
- Bake for 50 minute to 1 hour (depending on the oven) or until the outside is dry and is a very pale cream color. (guna api atas bawah)
- Turn the oven off, leave the door slightly ajar, and let the meringue cool completely in the oven. (The outside of the meringue will feel firm to the touch, if gently pressed, but as it cools you will get a little cracking and you will see that the inside is soft and marshmallowy.) 
For whipping cream:
-Whip the cream in your electric mixer, with the whisk attachment, until soft peaks form. Sweeten with the sugar and vanilla and then mound the softly whipped cream into the center of the meringue. Arrange the fruit randomly, or in a decorative pattern, on top of the cream. Serve immediately as this dessert does not hold for more than a few hours.

So amacam? Pening nak baca? Hahah kalau pening nak baca, just klik dekat  link blog yang aku bagi kat atas tadi. Diorang tunjuk step by step punya untuk amateur macam kita. Muehehe. Dan ini adalah gambar2 pavlova saya!

Ini sebelum bakar. 
Tepi tu adjust dan ratakan guna pisau butter supaya dia tak crack lepas bakar.

Ini after bakar dan sudah siap dihias! Hehe. Still ada crack sikit.
Berat sangat kot buah2 tu

Nyummm tengok lapisan dalam dia yang warna putih tu.
Sebijik macam rasa marshmallow!

Suku pavlova sudah selamat masuk perut.  >:)

Okay itu je.. Happy baking everyone! Adios!


  1. hai .. nice blog.. i pun da try buat pavlova . senang tpi nak kene teliti . bestkan !!1

    1. hai :) thanks sudi singgah
      yup memang kena teliti. pantang larang memang kena jaga
      baru boleh dapat pavlova yang sedap :)
