Like you suddenly remembered something, or someone, or some events in the past, that brings back so much memories on you. Someone whom you try so hard to forget, but you can't, just because they gave you so much to remember.
Like, so much.
Time passes and people changed. You changed. They changed. But we all know memories won't. Maybe you have move on, or being with somebody else. But you can't deny this feeling. You can't stop yourself wondering whether they're doing fine. Just hoping that they are doing good, without you. Even you already know they are. And you can't lie when you really hope that you'll at least get slipped on their mind, even for a second.
Maybe you're the one who still stuck in the past. Maybe you haven't really moved on?
It's just so hard to act like you don't feel anything, when that feeling's really killing you inside. Slowly and torturing.
Have you?
p/s: Gambar gedik saje nak tambahkan unsur dramatik. Problem?
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