Thursday, May 31, 2012


Love story in movies are sucks. Reality is way harder.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Just don't missed the introduction part.

No no. Don't expect too much. This is just a random entry. With no points. I just wanted to talk. Just, talk. If you find it unnecessary for you to continue reading, you may proceed to the upper right hand side of your screen, and close this tab. Ok? Good.

Lol apa jenis introduction la kan. Macam ugutan yang berbaur poyo-ness pun ada. Gelabah lebih. But hey, I did warned you kan, this is just a random entry. Random babbling about random things. Highlight it there, BABBLING. Like, bla bla bla. =_=

I'm totally pissed off tonight. I don't know why so many things annoyed me. Oh, and I hate my timetable for this sem. Don't know if I can make it through! Wuargh! (tak mengeluh, geram je) Dah tu lagi 1 masalah, untuk kelas Japanese tak settle2 lagi. Ada je masalah nya. Oiii hati dah memberontak ni nak balik rumah! My boredom has reached the climax! Nak balik nak balik nak balikkk >.<
Craving for McD. And I miss my bed so badly! My nice and cozy bed. And my dearest babes. Geng2 BPU yang dah laaaama gila tak jumpa! Hari tu tak sempat pun jumpe wuwuwwu

Memang random gila entry ni sampai dalam 1 perenggan ada macam2 perkara random dibahaskan. I've totally lost control of my mind. This is insane!


Wishlist #5

I would love to live in my OWN big beautiful house, with a big beautiful garden. And not to forget, big swimming pool~! Maybe someday.

p/s: I did warned you in the intro right. This entry is just random. And don't forget to count how many 'random' word used in this entry. HA-HA

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Time is GOLD.

Currently at Muadzam. Unbelievable. Entry yang sebelum ni baru je bagitau baru sampai rumah kan. Tiba-tiba entry hari ni pasal dah balik Muadzam semula. Lol. How time flies..

Never mind, i'm coming home again this week. Gonna enjoy this weekend with beloved family. Yeay! This place is just boring. Too boring to be true. Haha. Balik sini just sebab nak buat jadual je. Lalalaa


Wednesday, May 16, 2012


That feeling when you're at home. The smell. The warm environment. The lovely people. You know, all the sweet feelings that you've been missing so badly. And finally you're here. The place where you belong. The place where love is everywhere. Like seriously, everywhere.

Gahhh. I don't even wanna missed a single air, a single breath, a single glance of home. I'm enjoying every little bits of life now.

And do not disturb me. Haha.

Smile. Every minutes counts. ;D


Wiiwittttt, blog dah tukar baju lagi la.. Hihi. Alamak lupa pulak nak print screen sebelum tukar tadi. Selalu macam ni tau haishhh. Ah takpela malas nak fikir dah. Lain kali je kita print screen ye.

Fuhh, warna pink di sana sini ! This is so rare! What happened to Anis the purple maniac? Why pink, so sudden? Muehehe. Tiba-tiba rasa macam comel dan menenangkan je warna soft pink ni. That's why I decided to put this colour as the main theme colour for this beloved baby (read=blog). Sebelum ni punya theme, dia tak berapa menonjol sangat. Macam malu-malu kucing gitu sebab dia share dengan kaler pastel brown and pastel baby blue. Kali ni haa amik kau, background blog ni dia conquer semua ! (p/s, 'dia' di sini adalah si kaler PINK) ^_^

Somehow I think macam girly gila blog ni. Hahah. And what's with the Hello Kitty?? ahaks layannn. Before this I've tried red, white+blue, black+purple dan yang lain-lain kaler yang kebanyakannya tak bertahan pun seminggu, lepas tu tukar lagi. Haha. Rasanya paling lama aku pakai tema kaler white+blue tu untuk beberapa bulan. Hihi masa tu kononnya nak biar blog ni simple and (konon-konon) matang la. Padahal lepas tu tukar template tema ladybird kaler merah pulak. Dah tak matang balik, sekejap je matang. Wakakakaa

Eh ape aku merapu ni esok nak gerak pagi la, tapi still tak tido-tido lagi ni !

Ok then, Goodnight world~ *hugs & kisses virtually*

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hoorayy Hooraayy

Yeayy exam dah habis! Now it's time to enjoy enjoy enjoyy! Ceh lebih-lebih pulak kan. Haha. Tak sabar ni nak balik rumah, nak duduk depan tv melepak lama-lama, makan puas-puas (makan je tau), keluar jalan-jalan, meet my pretty babes, gossiping, doing nothing, but happy! hahah. Lega betul rasa dah habis exam ni. Ringan kepala otak oii! Tension sungguh sepanjang 2 minggu exam ni. >.<

Tomorrow I'll be leaving dearest Muadzam pukul 10.30 pagi. Terpaksa lah naik bas this time, disebabkan tomorrow is wednesday, a.k.a working day, ayah tak dapat datang amik. Sobs sobs. Nasib baik barang tak banyak. Pheww.. Wuu serious tak sabar nak balik ni. Banyak dah plan nak buat dekat rumah ni.. Nanti kalau aku rajin update, aku update ye. Maklumlah, bila dah dekat rumah, banyak aktiviti nak buat so no time nak online lama2. Ceh kau macam ni la kan! Masa dekat Muadzam bila kebosanan, laptop ni jela peneman 'sehidup semati' kononnya. Balik kelas je cari laptop, balik exam pun cari laptop. Lepastu dah dekat KL hampeh, habis madu sepah dibuang ! -bentak hati kecilku. Wakakaa

Apa lah aku merepek meraban kan. Okay now it's packing time! Baju pun tak simpan lagi dalam beg. Serabut nak exam punya pasal.. (alasan je tu). Adiosa~!


Wishlist #4

What a beautiful place ;')

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Kehidupan itu sendiri adalah satu rahmat. =)

Bila fikiran rasional dan positif mula menguasai diri, baru tersedar yang kadang-kadang aku lupa untuk bersyukur.

Bersyukur atas segala nikmat yang ada pada aku.

Nikmat kasih sayang dari ibu ayah, adik-adik, keluarga, kawan-kawan2.

Nikmat dapat bernafas dengan lancar.

Nikmat makan, minum, tidur..

Nikmat tersenyum, ketawa, menangis. Eii menangis pun nikmat tau, lepas nangis kan rasa legaaaa je. ahaks.

Banyak lagi la nikmat-nikmat yang tak terucap oleh kata-kata. Lagi-lagi,

nikmat kesihatan.

Bersyukur sangat dalam tempoh beberapa tahun kebelakangan ni, Allah kurniakan nikmat kesihatan yang baik. Demam pun jarang sekali datang singgah. Batuk dan selsema tu biasalah. Untuk hapuskan dosa-dosa kecil. InsyaAllah. Walaupun ada masa tu ada beberapa sakit ngade-ngade singgah, macam migrain melampau ataupun gastrik, masih boleh survived dengan jayanya. Alhamdulillah. (tak payah 'dengan jayanya' sangat kot anis)

Atleast tak perlu sampai pergi hospital. Kena cucuk jarum ambil darah semua. Gosh, i just can't bear with all that 'things' anymore. You know, that hospital thingy. That ubat-ubatan thingy. Taip ni je pun macam berderau je darah ku yang manis ni haa. Is this somehow called, Phobia? Haha maybe.

Kadang-kadang lupa nak bersyukur, bahawa aku tak perlu melalui saat-saat keperitan macam tu. Aku rasa next time kalau aku kena cucuk jarum yang stok gedang-gedang tu, memang koma la terus jawabnya. Bukan pengsan lagi dah. Haha. Eh entah la. Rasa macam tak dapat bayangkan macam mana nak menanggung nya. Weh bayangkan la jarum dia tu weh, size pensel shaker tu wehhhh (haha tipu)

Tu lah kan, kadang-kadang bila terlalu seronok sangat dengan hidup ni, kita lupa nak bersyukur. Selalu mengeluh padahal masalah tu boleh je diselesaikan. Tak la sebesar mana. Bukannya kau di diagnos ada leukimia, boleh hidup 3 bulan je lagi. Kalau yang tu, memang la rasa sedih. Rasa masih belum puas je lagi nak hidup kat dunia ni. Ini tak, baru gaduh dengan boyprengg habis semua lelaki dekat dunia ni kena maki lepastu mula rasa konon takde harapan hidup. Haha kelakar betul.

Pesanan untuk kawan-kawan semua dan terutamanya untuk diri sendiri, bila tengah sedih tu, rasa macam masalah datang bertimpa-timpa, rasa macam semua bebanan dekat dunia ni atas bahu kita, cuba compare nasib kita tu dengan orang lain yang jauuhhhhh lebih malang. Yeah I know this is cliche, but really, it's the fact, semalang-malang nasib yang kita tengah hadapi, ada lagi yang LAGI tak se-beruntung kita dekat luar sana. Atleast kita ada katil untuk tidur, ada bumbung untuk berteduh. Ada ubat bila sakit, ada ibu bila sedih. Ada ayah bila nak bermanja. Huhuuu tiba-tiba saya rindu ibu ayah saya. Nak balikkkkk wuwuww =(

Betul. Bila kita set kan mind kita macam ni, kita akan lebih mensyukuri hidup ni. Ada orang dekat luar sana tu takde rumah nak berteduh, takde ubat bila sakit, tanda keluarga bila sedih. Lagi unfortunate kan nasib mereka.. :'/

Enjoy and appreciate your body everyday, every time, every seconds! Because you won't know, in the next few seconds, whether you still have those eyes, hands, and legs or not. So, appreciate.

In life, always, APPRECIATE. And be THANKFUL. The secret of happiness is appreciation of what you've got. Whether it's a little, or a lot.

Life itself is a bless.



Wishlist #3

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tick tock tick tock..

Tak sabarnya nak habis cepat 2 minggu yang menyeksakan ni. I hate final exams! I hate the pressure, the stress, the expectations, the painful reality. This is unbearable! I wanna go home. I want my bed. I wanna watch tv while lying on the couch. I wanna gossiping with my sis. I wanna hang out makan-makan with my gengs. I wanna bake some cakes or cookies or pizza..,or anything. Anything that I want. Anything that could make me happy. Happier than now. I don't wanna be here. I can't feel my soul in here. I can't feel the world in here.

I just wanna go home.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Time is running out.

Counting days to final exam.

And yes, i'm not ready yet.

Forever, never ready.

Typical me.

And now I'm so stress.

I couldn't help myself.

I'm procrastinating and I know it.

I'm scared.

Like really scared.



Wishlist #2

And have a beautiful garden wedding theme.
With lots and lots of fresh white lilies, roses, and orchids.

When I say lots, I really meant it.