Monday, February 27, 2012



1. Sekitar usia 3 bulan, bayi mula menelan air ketuban dan mengeluarkannya kembali sebagai air kencing. Ini untuk melatih sistem pencernaan dan perkumuhannya. 

2. Bayi boleh menangis sejak di dalam perut lagi. Sekitar usianya 3 bulan, peti suara sudah mula terbentuk dan bayi sudah mula menangis tetapi dalam diam.

3. Seawal usia 4 bulan, bayi mula meneroka ruang di sekelilingnya. Dia mula bermain dgn tali pusatnya, menghisap ibu jarinya sendiri, berenang-renang, menendang sekelilingnya dan berpusing-pusing di dalam kantungnya. Tetapi lazimnya ibu yang baru pertama kali hamil tidak akan menyedari pergerakan bayi sehigga usianya 5 bulan.

4. Ketika usianya memasuki 4 bulan, bayi akan mula tersedu untuk melatih sistem pernafasan. Bila bayi tersedu, ibu dapat merasakan getaran halus atau denyut halus di perut.

5. Pada usia 5 bulan, bayi mula memberi reaksi kepada bunyi di luar perut ibunya dan akan menutup telinga dengan tangannya sendiri apabila mendengar bunyi kuat.

6. Sekitar usia 6 bulan, memori bayi mula terbentuk dan bayi dapat mengingati dan mengenali suara ibu bapanya dan mula meneroka anggota tubuh badannya.

7. Seperti kita, bayi di dalam perut juga bermimpi seawal usianya 7 bulan. Aktiviti bermimpi ini akan melatih perkembangan otak bayi.

8. Apabila otaknya sudah terbentuk, bayi akan dapat merasai kesakitan sejak di dalam rahim lagi. Apabila ibu tertekan atau stress, emosinya juga terganggu dan menyekat perkembangan mentalnya.

9. Sebaik sahaja deria rasanya terbentuk, bayi juga dapat merasa makanan yang dimakan oleh ibunya dan boleh mengerutkan dahinya dan memuncungkan mulutnya sebagi reaksi kepada rasa pelik makanan yang dimakan oleh ibu.

10. Sebaik sahaja lahir, pertama kali bayi membuka mata, anak matanya akan membesar untuk menampakkan kecomelannya untuk memikat hati orang di sekeliling terutama ibu bapanya. Sebab itulah bayi nampak comel ♥

Okay, dah abes bace tu tekan la SHARE! hehe ^_^


p/s : Comelnyaaa~ Geram! Ni yang rasa nak kahwin cepat ni. Wahahah~

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity.

Something always brings me back to you
It never takes too long
No matter what I say or do, I'll still feel you're here
'til the moment I'm gone.

You hold me without touch
You keep me without chains
I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love
and not feel your rain.

Set me free, leave me be
I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity
Here I am and I stand so tall
Just the way I'm supposed to be
But you're on to me, and all over me.

You loved me 'cause I'm fragile
When I thought that I was strong
But you touch me for a little while
And all my fragile strength is gone.

I live here on my knees as I try to make you see
That you're everything I think I need here on the ground
But you are neither friend nor foe though I can't seem to let you go
The one thing that I still know is that you're keeping me down
You're on to me, on to me, and all over..
Something always brings me back to you
It never takes too long.

-Gravity by Sara Bareilles.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kasih tak sampai.

Terasa indah
Bila kita terbuai dalam alunan cinta
Sedapat mungkin terciptakan rasa
Keinginan saling memiliki

Namun bila,
Itu semua dapat terwujud
Dalam satu ikatan cinta
Tak semudah seperti yang pernah terbayang
Menyatukan perasaan..

Tetaplah menjadi bintang di langit
Agar cinta kita akan abadi
Biarlah sinarmu tetap menyinari alam ini,
Agar menjadi saksi cinta kita

Lambat sudah
Kini semua harus berakhir
Mungkin inilah jalan yang terbaik
Dan kita mesti relakan kenyataan ini

-Kasih tak sampai by Padi.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Apple Crumble versi Anis

Apple Crumble makan dengan ice cream, walla!

Hari ni Chef Anis nak bercerita pasal resepi okay. Cepat pergi amik pen and kertas! Rugi ni kalau tak salin. Hahah. Okay sebenarnya minggu lepas masa aku balik Cheras tu, aku telah merajinkan diri untuk buat Apple Crumble. Mula cadangnya nak buat Oreo Cheesecake untuk birthday ibu (ceh cita-cita tinggi betul), tapi disebabkan beberapa kekangan, plan tu tak menjadi.. Isk isk. Last-last beli je kek Chocolate Mousse dekat kedai. Ok la tu kan, atleast ada kek :D

Ok sambung cerita. Sebenarnya dah lama dah resepi Apple Crumble ni jadi pekasam je dalam laptop aku ni. Memang hobi aku untuk search resepi2 best dekat internet banyak2, lepas tu simpan buat pekasam dalam laptop. Haha tapi bukan simpan selamanya, bila ada masa aku buat jugak la. Tu ada banyak lagi resepi tengah tunggu turn untuk di experiment. Wahahah. Nasib baik lah 98% daripada experiment yang pernah dibuat semuanya menjadi. *bangga

Apple Crumble aku kali ni aku campur sekali dengan buah strawberry, alang2 ada strawberry kat rumah. Jadi maknanya sepatutnya Apple & Strawberry Crumble la  kan. ^_^ Aku punya ni, nampak macam padat dan padu je kan, tapi sebenarnya dia sangat rapuh. Memang tekstur Apple Crumble kena rapuh pun. Nama pun crumble. Hee. Ok jom mulakan dengan resepi.

4 apples-apple fuji saiz medium (aku campur apple hijau & merah)
Beberapa biji buah strawberry (ikut suka korang la nak bape banyak)
1 sudu makan gula
1 batang cinnamon
2 sudu teh butter

4 sudu teh butter
3 sudu makan brown sugar-boleh tambah
1 cawan tepung gandum

How to cook :
1) Kupas kulit epal and then potong bentuk wedges. Kalau nak potong dadu pun boleh. Strawberry tu potong dua je. Lepastu tabur gula dengan kayu manis atas epal and strawberry, masak sampai gula cair dan epal lembut. Aku cairkan sekali dengan butter sikit, biar lagi sedap sikit.

2) Bila dah lembut, transfer ke dalam baking dish. Kayu manis tu buang ye. Then dot kan dengan 2 sudu teh butter. Put aside.
3) Untuk crumble, gaulkan menggunakan tangan, 4 sudu teh butter, 3 sudu makan brown sugar, dan 1 cawan tepung gandum sampai berketul2 macam tepung roti (crumble). Butter boleh tambah sikit2 kalau tepung masih tak crumble.
4) Taburkan atas buah apple & strawberry tadi. Kemaskan.
5) Bakar dalam oven 180'c selama 30 minit.

dah siap bakar! tunggu sejuk sikit, baru potong. emm nyum nyum!
by the way, aku guna bekas bentuk bulat, selalunya orang guna bentuk segi empat tu kan. hihi saje cipta kelainan. =_=

Serve warm or cold with whipped cream atau ice cream. Nyummm!

Simple gila nak buat benda ni.. And sorry la gambar tak cantik. Guna fon adik aku sebab masa tu bateri henfonku habis~ Wahahah. Sebenarnya ada lagi beberapa gambar tapi adik aku lupa nak bluetooth. Ngeh... Pape pun, selamat mencuba ye! (kalau korang rajin) >_<

p/s :

Tengah cari mood nak buat benda ni lagi memandangkan ada permintaan dari Cik Nurul Ikhlas daripada last sem lagi.. Wahahah. xD

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Takde motif pon.

It's raining heavily outside ! Waaa seronok ni kalau dapat kunyah pisang goreng panas yang rangup tu. >.< *telan air liur*

Ada hati lagi nak makan padahal perut dah bloated dan sesak dengan makanan. Nasi kerabu, ayam goreng, marshmalow dip in chocolate, air kelapa.. Semuanya berebut2 dekat dalam perut ni untuk dicernakan. Wakaka. Tapi tekak ni nak menelan lagi. Mulut ni nak mengunyah lagi. Adehhh bila plan ber'diet' nak jalan ni. Asyik makan je kerja. Berat naik, duit pun terbang. =__=

Ok sebenarnya tak ada topik pun nak cerita hari ni. Saje je singgah sekejap, excited tengok template baru blog ni. (konon) Eh kejap, siapa perasan lagu baru belog ni? Wuaaaaa tahu tak gua tengah menggila dengan lagu ni sekarang! I am crazy in love with this song! The lyrics and the melody are just perfect! For me la. Setiap orang lain-lain citarasa. Ada yang suka lagu slow, ada yang suka lagu catchy. Ada yang suka lelaki tinggi, ada yang kata rendah tu comel. Ada yang suka korean looks, ada yang kata muka melayu baru macho. Ada yang suka lelaki bermisai katanya kelihatan matang, ada yang meluat sampai rasa nak gunting-gunting je misai dia tu biar togel! Eh dah kenapa aku cakap pasal ciri-ciri lelaki idaman pulak ni? Motif?

cari objek tersembunyi (baca=terselit) pada rajah di atas. xD

Haha creepy tak? Sangat creepy okay. I also still can't believe that, 'that' is actually my dad! Wahahaha haiyoo daddy, why did you look like Jim Carrey in The Mask movie? O_O

Jim Carrey (The Mask) O____O

Ok, nampak tak persamaan di situ???! Hahaha. Tapi Jim Carrey ni hensem tau sebenarnya. Kalau nak tengok muka sebenar dia silalah Google yo. Den malas nak google-kan. Ayah den pun hensem jugo sebonarnyo. Dalam gambar tu abaikan jo lah yo.. HAHAHA xD

Hmm, gambar-gambar tak ada motif. Entry pun tak ada motif. So, apa motif kau sebenarnya???

Bluurgghh. *buat muka pissed off and terus blah*

Friday, February 17, 2012


So amaciam?

Haaa untuk yang biasa berkunjung ke blog ni haruslah (buat-buat) terkejut melihat perubahan yang dah berlaku. Akhirnya si blogger pemalas anis secara tiba-tiba merajinkan diri untuk renovate blog. Hahah. Aku mengambil langkah berani (ceh over) untuk menukar template blog ni sekali. Selalunya tukar background je kan. Setakat tukar background, adik gua yang darjah 2 tu pun pandai buat. Betul tak tipu! Dia ada blog sendiri pada usia 8 tahun! Tapi aku tak boleh bagi link blog dia dekat sini sebab private. >.<

Tapi walaupun dah menukar template, kenapa aku tetap rasa macam tak banyak pun perubahan yang berlaku dari segi susun atur dan design-nya? (wahh skema tak boleh blah!)

Sebenarnya aku jatuh cinta pada ladybird dan warna merah yang sangat menggoda yang ada pada template ni je. Lepas tu tetibe bila tengok lama2 macam semak pulak rasa mata. =_=" Hahaha. Lagi satu, aku tak tahu macam mana nak buang ayat "Ladybug Ladybug Fly Away Home" yang tak ada motif kat atas tuu. Gosh. Dah try nak edit dekat coding dia tapi still tak jumpa! Siapa boleh tolong aku~~ Wuargh! Pastu rasa macam terang sangat la pulak merah dia. Adoi banyak pulak tak puas hatinya. *lempang*

Ok dah la tu membebel, sekarang masa untuk mandi dan lepas ni ada 'date' dengan kekasihku (baca= sahabatku) Nadjwa Redzuan. Haha. Lepak-lepak bergosip di hari jumaat malam sabtu memang menyeronokkan. Esok kan tak ada kelas jadi boleh la bangun lambat. Muahaha padahal tadi pun takde kelas dan dah bangun lambat dah pun. Bahagia betul hidup. Amboiiii kerja kau yang belambak belum siap tu sampai bila nak delay???!! *tetibe ada suara dalam otak*

Ok bye !









Dude, when you're not sure if you still want her,
another guy has already figured it out.

p.s: Credit to Tumblr.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The apple to my pie, the shine to my sun.

We might argue with each other, fighting like there's no more tomorrow, creating our own 'worldwar', got pissed off and blablabla. But trust me, I love you guys forever and ever and ever. I love you guys more than myself. Itulah kasih kakak. Wakaka. Huuu i miss them already. Wanna go home now now noww. T__T


“ Kuch Kuch Hota Hai = Terasa Sesuatu Dalam Hati ”

I'm not even sure what kind of feeling it is. And.. is this feelings true?? Only Allah knows.

Ya Allah, show me the best. Give me the best. Amin..

Goodnight world. Assalamualaikum. :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I am deadly madly BOREDDD.
Malam ni aku rasa macam takde tujuan hidup. Kosong.
Sebenarnya tak sunyi. Housemates ada. Roommate ada.
Tapi aku tak tahu mana pergi semangat hidup aku untuk bercakap dan berketawa(?)
Waaarghh I can't feel my self right now!
Macam fikiran tu melayang-layang entah dekat mana,
tapi badan aku stuck dekat sini. =__=
Oh tidaaaakk~ *buat gaya saloma*


Tengok, cara aku posting pun dah lain macam.
tak macam selalu pun? eh ni betul ke Anis ni? Eh eh?
Ok sangat tak sabar nak balik esok. Malam esok aku dah ada dekat rumah tercinta,
bersama keluarga tercinta, katil tercinta, bantal tercinta, selimut tercinta,
semua jenis kecintaan yang ada dekat rumah tu akan buat aku lebih bahagia. (drama queen)
rasa macam balik rumah kali ni taknak balik Muadzam dah!!
kat sini bosann.
aku nak berehat goyang kaki kat rumah, tengok tv sampai juling,
main masak-masak, tengok adik2 aku membesar.. :')
duhh dah macam gaya ibu-ibu pulak *buek muntah*
but serious! I want to be with my family until... until... until...
until I get bored? hahaha. yang pasti cuti 3 hari setengah tu tak cukup la!!!!

ok dah diam.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wordmore Wednesday

I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time
Know there was something that, and something that I left behind
When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets
Leave something to remember, so they won't forget
I was here

I lived, I loved
I was here
I did, I've done, everything that I wanted
And it was more than I thought it would be
I will leave my mark so everyone will know
I was here

I want to say I lived each day, until I die
And know that I meant something in, somebody's life
The hearts I have touched, will be the proof that I leave
That I made a difference, and this world will see
I was here

I just want them to know
That I gave my all, did my best
Brought someone to hapiness
Left this world a little better just because
I was here.

- I was Here, Beyonce.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Random Awesome. Awesome is me.

So, hye~ Haha no interesting story to share for today pun. Saje je nak membebel dekat sini which also means will buang you all punya masa je. hewhewhew. I warning awal2 tau. Kalau you all rasa ada banyak masa nak dibazirkan, teruskanlah membaca. Eh sejak bila aku jadi gedik sebegini?

Hari ni public holiday sempena Maulidur Rasul, so bila dah 'holiday' tu paham2 jela kan. Memang tak la untuk tuan puteri yang 'rajin' macam aku ni untuk bangun awal. Hahah. Aunty2 di luar sana, tolong la batalkan niat aunty untuk jadikan saya menantu. Wahahah. Berani gila jatuhkan reputation sendiri. Tak tak, gurau-gurau je okay tak boleh gurau pegi surau. Err tapi kan, memang betul pun aku terbangun lewat hari ni. *facepalm*

Aku terbangun tadi pun sebab ibu call yang secara tak langsung telah mematikan mimpi indahku. Tau tak anak ibu yang hebat ni tengah mimpi buat kek tadi?! Hahaha. Serious, aku tengah syok2 mimpi buat cake, step by step lagitu tau, tetibe hancur berkecai apabila telefon berbunyi dengan volume nya yang paling highest (saje letak highest sebab aku ni mmg pekak sikit kadang2) dan lantas mematikan segala mimpi indahku~ Wuwuwu dah cakap dah dulu kau patut amik sastera anis. Mana tahu sekarang ni dah jadi penulis novel yang berjaya. Pastu novel kau orang buat jadi movie box office punya. Kalah la Ombak Rindu tu for sure.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Esok kelas dah start, jadi masa untuk dibuang dapatla dikurangkan. Ahh akhirnyaaa~~ Setelah 4 hari melopong kat rumah. Oh ye, sekarang ni aku sangatlah ketidak sabaran menunggu kedatangan Big Mac import from KL by Ein yang dijangka tiba malam ni. Cepat la ein lapaq dah ni. Hihi. Dekat Muadzam ni memang tak mungkin la nak nampak kelibat Mcd, KFC, apatahlagi Secret Recipe, Burger King dan yang sewaktu dengannya tuu. Jadi bila kawan anda balik KL, atau ke mana2 tempat yang ada benda2 ni semua, silalah ambil kesempatan untuk meng-order semua itu dari dia. That's what friends are for right? Kahkah.

Ok enough membebel. Aku dah cakap dah, buang masa je kau baca. Takde faedah pun entry kali ni. *buatmukakejam* Muahahaha

#random :

hmm. true.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Touching. :')

We boys don’t get butterflies, we get fireworks. We don’t have you on our mind 24/7, but we do have you on our hearts. Often, yes we wait for you to go online, sometimes simply even just being online makes our heart skip a beat, even if we don’t talk. Whenever you talk to us, our face forms that half-smile; it means we are happy but are trying our hardest to not show it, and fail at hiding it. We do miss you all the time; granted, we’d spend all our time with you if possible. We don’t think of the smallest things you say, we think of every word you say, panicking at every single word, trying to define what it really means, to read between the lines. But wait there’s more.
We would love you in a million ways. And once we start loving you there is no going back for us. No matter how hard we try we will always love a girl that has touched us. Us boys when in love will think of that girl first thing in the morning, and think of that girl last before we sleep at night. Whenever we see a couple, our thoughts immediately jump to that girl, and imagine that the couple was us. Every single detail about her is loved; the way she walks, talks, speaks. The sound of her voice. Her laughter. The sparkle in her eyes. Her shy smile. The way she dresses. That cute face she makes when she’s asleep. And the way she says our name that our hearts just explode with mirth, a simple act that no-one else can replicate.
A boy in love with a girl is no simple thing, though ladies stereotype us guys as simple. A man in love is not simple. No. He will be unpredictable. He will be persistent, stubborn, and given the circumstances, if it means carrying you from one side of the world to the other to win your heart, a man in love would. He will be a martyr, giving his all and asking for almost none. He will show you how to appreciate the beauty of the world in a thousand ways, and then he will tell you how much he appreciates your beauty in a million ways. 
A man in love is no simple thing.

Then a boy replied..
We boys dont get butterflies, we get fireworks. We dont have you on our mind 24/7, but we do have you on our hearts. Often, yes we wait for you to go online, sometimes simply even just being online makes our heart skip a beat, even if we dont talk. Whenever you talk to us, our face forms that half-smile; it means we are happy but are trying our hardest to not show it, and fail at hiding it. We do miss you all the time; granted, we would spend all our time with you if possible. We dont think of the smallest things you say, we think of every word you say, panicking at every single word, trying to define what it really means, to read between the lines. But wait there is more.
We would love you in a million ways. And once we start loving you there is no going back for us. No matter how hard we try we will always love a girl that has touched us. Us boys when in love will think of that girl first thing in the morning, and think of that girl last before we sleep at night. Whenever we see a couple, our thoughts immediately jump to that girl, and imagine that the couple was us. Every single detail about her is loved; the way she walks, talks, speaks. The sound of her voice. Her laughter. The sparkle in her eyes. Her shy smile. The way she dresses. That cute face she makes when shes asleep. And the way she says our name that our hearts just explode with mirth, a simple act that no-one else can replicate.
A boy in love with a girl is no simple thing, though ladies stereotype us guys as simple. A man in love is not simple. No. He will be unpredictable. He will be persistent, stubborn, and given the circumstances, if it means carrying you from one side of the world to the other to win your heart, a man in love would. He will be a martyr, giving his all and asking for almost none. He will show you how to appreciate the beauty of the world in a thousand ways, and then he will tell you how much he appreciates your beauty in a million ways. 
A man in love is no simple thing.

*Copypaste from Tumblr. =)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

For everyone.

Sometimes, things happened when we never expected it to be.

Let say, you are madly deeply in love with that certain someone. You imagine your future with him in it. You build dreams together, you grow the love together hoping that everything will work as you plans. But in the end, he is still doesn't belong to you.

Or, you are doing really great in school, have great friends, doing well in sports, passes exams and quizzes with flying colours, has a very supportive and loving parents. Everything, that are worth living.

But suddenly, you heard that your bestfriend died. Your one and only bestfriend since you are in the primary school. Your only bestfriend who walks with you everyday to school, who are always there to wipe your tears, to listen to your grief, to lend her shoulder every time you feels like crying. And now she's gone. Half of you is GONE. How can you move on?

Or, suddenly you find out that you can't play sports anymore, because you've been diagnosed with a disease that won't let you run anymore, even to let you live any longer. Have you ever imagine that feeling of knowing that you can't live any longer after all the dreams that you plans for your future?

Life is cruel.

But yet, God always knows better than you. Allah, knows better than you. Things happened for a reason. Maybe, when your relationship with that certain someone doesn't work out, you'll find another someone that a lot more better than him.
Maybe, if your bestfriend didn't died, you won't learn to appreciate people around you. You'll just take everything, or everyone for granted.
Maybe, if you doesn't have the disease that won't let you live any longer, you will never learn to appreciate LIFE.

" I asked God to give me some sunshine, but instead, He gives me rain. I do not understand why? Why wouldn't He gives me what I need? Then when the rain stops, and the sun shines again, only then I know that a beautiful rainbow are waiting behind that clouds. Smiling with the sun, for me. "

Learn to accept fate. If you are going through a hard time, KEEP GOING.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wordless Wednesday #KebesaranNya.

- Muadzam Shah, 6.32pm, 31 Dec 2011.

Love Chooses You

If you find yourself in love with someone, and that someone does not love you, be gentle to yourself, there is nothing wrong with u, but love just did not choose to rest in that someone's heart.

If you find someone in love with you, and you cannot answer that love, feel honored that love has came by and called on your door, but gently refuse the feeling you cannot return, as love did not choose to settle in your heart.

If you find yourself in love with someone and the love return, it still can happen that love chooses to not try to reclaim it and do not assess any blame, let it go. Despite the pain, there is a reason and meaning to cannot choose love by yourself, LOVE CHOOSES YOU =)